Global Perspectives

Primary assemblies: International Women’s Day

Every year on the 8th March, people all over the world come together to celebrate International Women’s Day.

On this day there are speeches, social media campaigns, demonstrations and marches.

“Marching on the street continues to be important. It’s how they demonstrated one hundred years ago, it’s how we still come out in numbers, to make a difference.”

International Women’s Day started over one hundred years ago, in 1911…at a time when women everywhere had very few rights.

Many considered them to be not as capable as men! Now, of course, we know that’s not true, but back in 1911, women weren’t even allowed to vote.

Since then, women have fought hard for the freedom and rights they have today.

“What do we want? Equality! When do we want it? Now!”

But sadly, society is still a long way from achieving gender equality.

Gender equality means that everyone; women and men, and girls and boys are treated fairly, and enjoy the same rights, access to resources, opportunities, and protections.

Yet, women and girls are treated unfairly in many ways all around the world today.

In some cultures, many women live without basic freedoms and rights – like being able to travel alone, or go to school.

According to a United Nations report only 66% of countries worldwide provide equal education opportunities to both girls and boys.

And statistics from the UN show that despite making up 50% of the global population, women hold less than 30% of top jobs in government or senior management positions in business.

And are paid an average of 23% less than men – Sometimes for doing the same job!

And that’s not all…

In some parts of the world women don’t have the right to own their own land…

or sign legal contracts…

or even travel in the same way as men.

And many women and girls are also prevented or discouraged from being the people they want to be, or doing the things they want to do, because of unfair perceptions about their abilities.

Some people think girls can’t do certain jobs.

Or play sports.

Or even drive properly!

But the truth is, girls can do everything that boys can do.

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to show just how powerful women can be. And to celebrate their achievements.

And it’s also an opportunity for women and men around the world to highlight the issues still facing women today, and push towards a more fair and gender equal world in the future.

“International Women’s Day is important to me because it shows the women I look up to in a positive light”

“I think it is important that at least on one day of the year, I want it to be everyday, but at least one day of the year, we reflect all the achievements that we have already made in order to get women equal in our society”

“I hope that in the future, it becomes just the norm, and we don’t need to necessarily have days but it’s an amazing day and it’s something that is really important to society.”

“Well, I still think there is so much to be done, y’know we can’t sit on our backside and say that we have got progress and we have got equality and diversity and all the rest of it. We haven’t. There is still so much we can do, and it’s the activism of individual people that can make a difference”

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