IWD needs communication through demonstration
Maybe it’s because we’re in the world of marketing, but International Women’s Day for me has become a moment for calling out brands for tokenistic and opportunistic marketing vs celebrating women.
God, it’s depressing writing that.
Do I think brands will embrace communication through demonstration? Some will and a lot won’t. Even with the knowledge the equal pay bot will be looking out for their tweets.
There’s more focus on calling brands out vs celebrating those who are making a difference. Although these posts are not well thought through, many are harmless, and they don’t deserve our energy.
So what does communication through demonstration look like?
A brand which has made the biggest investment in women’s football in England to date, ensuring the domestic elite game can thrive.
A brand which alongside the FA has committed to providing girls with access to football in every school in England by 2025.
A brand which recognises the life skills (confidence, teamwork, leadership) girls will be missing out on by not having access to football.
From the grassroots to the elite, Barclays is the biggest supporter of women’s and girls’ football in England. Simply because they believe in equity. That’s something to celebrate.
It’s not often you’ll hear this about a bank. But on IWD, be more Barclays.
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