How to Work With a Multigenerational Workforce

Generational influence how people communicate, think and work. Four active generations are in the workforce in 2024, each with unique characteristics and worldviews. For business owners and managers, it’s vital to understand the characteristics of each generation, including what motivates them and their communication style. Understanding your team will help you adapt your leadership style to utilize everyone’s talents to benefit your organization and other employees.
What generations are currently in the workforce?
As of 2024, workers from four generations are active in the workplace:
- Baby boomers
- Millennials
- Generation X
- Generation Z
Each generational cohort has unique characteristics, values and outlooks. Familiarizing yourself with each generation can help you create a collaborative, productive workplace.
Remember, these are generalizations. Employees are unique, and you should treat your employees as individuals first and foremost.
Baby Boomers (1946-1964)
Baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are the oldest generation currently in the workforce in significant numbers, comprising 25 percent of the U.S. workforce, according to LiveCareer. (The previous generation, the Silent Generation, makes up only 2 percent of the workforce). They range in age from 59 to 77. Many boomers have retired or will soon retire, with the youngest boomers turning 65 (the retirement age) by 2029.
Here’s what you should know about boomers:
- The Vietnam War, the first civil rights movement and Watergate were significant world events that helped shape the baby boomer generation.
- Many baby boomers don’t have enough money saved for a comfortable retirement. Some baby boomers may work into their 70s.
- In terms of characteristics, boomers are generally known for:
- Being loyal to their employer
- Being self-motivated
- Having a strong work ethic
- Being competitive
- Being willing to make personal sacrifices for professional success
Tips for managing baby boomers
When working with boomers, provide clear, specific goals and deadlines; offer them mentoring opportunities where they can share their experience; and place them in settings that foster workplace teamwork.
Generation X (1965-1980)
Generation X, often referred to as “the middle child,” is the generation sandwiched between boomers and millennials; they make up a third of the workforce. Members of Gen X range in age from 43 to 58.
Here’s what you should know about Gen Xers:
- Significant world events that shaped Gen X include the AIDS epidemic, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the invention of the internet and the subsequent dot-com boom.
- Gen Xers are known for being:
- Efficient
- Direct in their communication style
- Adaptable to new technologies
- Independent
- Steady and dependable
Tips for managing Gen Xers
Aim to be efficient, provide direct feedback, and offer them plenty of independence and autonomy to improve employee engagement.
Millennials (1981-1996)
Millennials (also known as Gen Y) have been accused of being entitled, whiny and irresponsible, but the millennial generation has been influenced by drastic societal and socioeconomic changes.
As of 2024, millennials range in age from 27 to 42 and comprise the biggest group in the workforce, at 35 percent.
Here’s what you need to know about millennials:
- The major world events that defined the millennial generation include the Columbine shooting, 9/11 and the advent of the internet
- Some of the characteristics of millennial employees include that they are:
- Competitive
- Achievement-oriented
- Tech-savvy
- Focused on work-life balance
- Open to seeking out unique work experiences
Tips for managing millennials
To attract and retain millennial employees, get to know them personally, communicate in depth about their progress and output, offer flextime and flexible work schedules, and provide the opportunity to work remotely.
Gen Z (1997-2012)
The newest members of the workforce, Gen Zers are the first true tech generation, having never known a world without the internet as it exists today. Gen Z is also known for being the most diverse generation in American history.
Here’s what you need to know about Gen Z:
- Major world events that defined Gen Z include exposure to violent incidents, significant technological advancements, social networking and the Great Recession.
- Gen Z’s major characteristics are that they are:
- Diverse
- Open-minded and progressive
- Tech-savvy
- Individualist and creative
- Self-directed
Tips for managing Gen Zers
When working with Gen Z, give them opportunities to multitask, provide lots of autonomy and self-direction, and offer a solid work-life balance.
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