Leadership & Mentorship

How Technology Can Facilitate Diversity Training in the Workplace

Research suggests that a sizeable number of organizations lack gender and racial diversity, especially in leadership roles. We believe emerging training tech can help bridge this gap. In this article, we discuss:

  • What is workplace diversity training?
  • Three technology solutions disrupting this landscape
  • How progressive organizations can use VR for diversity


Despite organizations proactively taking up workplace diversity as a critical area of improvement, research suggests that there is still a long way to go. As per 2018 numbers, there is still a lack of gender balance across US companies, and this is further intensified when we consider leadership roles. For example, 20% of organizations do not have a single woman on their leadership teams. Across sectors, there is a sharp decline in the representation of women as we progress from entry to executive levels. Furthermore, only 16% of leaders identify as people of color. These statistics point towards a pressing need for adopting measures that help improve diversity in the workplace. 

Workplace diversity training can be a useful strategy for companies looking to create a tolerant and inclusive work environment. It aims to increase people’s knowledge about minority groups, as well as build skills for interaction. Over time, diversity training can bring about positive attitudinal change, impacting hiring, recognition, and career progression opportunities.

What is Workplace Diversity Training?

Workplace diversity training is a learning and development (L&D) program designed to increase cultural awareness, encourage empathy, and build a bedrock of inclusion. While such training may not be able to rewire an individual’s approach completely, it can help to prevent inappropriate behavior to a certain extent and ensure that people of every background are provided a positive work environment. Typically, workplace diversity training entails:

  • New Recruit Training: Right at the onboarding stage, it is essential to discuss diversity and inclusion issues with a recruit. This will help them prepare to seamlessly join the workforce and bring the right attitude to foster inclusivity. 
  • Refresher Training: These sessions are regularly held to update employees on the newest diversity policies, hold conversations on dominant trends in the workplace, and familiarize/refamiliarize employees with the best practices for workplace diversityOpens a new window