
Featured Authors

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Dr. Stephaine Wall

Choosing to do the right thing even when no one is looking, strengthens me and those around me. By working to embodyintegrity in all that I do, it creates a ripple effect that extends far beyond my personal area of influence, setting a powerful example for others while helping to make the world a better place. The pursuit of personal integrity is an ongoing journey that enables me to be not just a better professional but also abetter human. 

Contact me at 

https://speakerstephanie.com for more. I would love to support your journey. 

Dr. Tandra Price

If you want to be a woman of influence, this is a sign for you. Start by taking inventory of your inner-self; of things that you want to change, as well as the values that are important to you. Lastly, try to be the woman that you aspire to be. 

Dr. Tandra Price www.tapoinmagazine.org 

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Dr. Pasha Carter

Carter started her career in direct sales at the age of 23. Today, she is recognized as one of the most influential direct sales leaders, ranked in the “Top 15 Female Networkers In The World” out of over 14 million women worldwide. She was voted “Business Coach Of The Year 2019” and voted one of Dallas’ most powerful women. She was also ranked as part of the “100 of America’s Wealthiest African-Americans” and interviewed by Dr. Dennis Kimbro and The Napoleon Hill Foundation for the New York Times bestseller, The Wealth Choice, alongside Steve Harvey, Tyler Perry and Bishop TD Jakes. Furthermore, Carter sits on the expert panel of Forbes Magazine, where she writes articles and lends her business advice to CEOs, entrepreneurs, and influencers. Her exciting talks and seminars on leadership, entrepreneurship, self-esteem, goals, strategy, creativity and success and psychology 

Dr. Jena L. Bell

Dr. Jena L. Bell, Executive and Leadership Coach. Founding Partner, The Onward Way. Learn more here www.theonwardway.com . Click here for your complimentary consult. Email me jena@theonwardway.com. Follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram. 

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Dr. Nora Shariff Borden

Dr. Nora Shariff Borden Founder and CEO of BWOTMFG Connect with us on: 

BWOTMFG Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bwotmfg 

BWOTMFG Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BusinessWomenontheMoveforGod 

BWOTMFG LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bwotmfg 

Pinterest: https://pin.it/1XccGjO 

One God TV Network: https://www.onegodtvnetwork.com/real-conversations-with-nora 

Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones

Dr. Erica Perry Green

Ready to launch your story or create published works for your business, contact Dr. Erica Perry Green at www.sheropublishing.com or www.drericapgreen.com

Dr. Tina D. Lewis

Connect with Dr. Tina D. Lewis on all Social Media Platforms @tinadlewis, Email: contact@TinaDLewis.com, www.TinaDLewis.com or simply call I ouri office 310.496.5875. 

Reverend Dr. Dee Dawkins-Haigler

Reverend Dr. Dee Dawkins-Haigler, President and Founder of Organization of World Leaders and candidate for Georgia Secretary of State, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She dedicates her life to fighting for social justice and human rights issues that promote peace and economic stability. She is hailed as a champion and catalyst for systemic change by working with various world leaders and political regimes throughout Africa and the Caribbean, assisting them with tangible ways of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined and approved by the United Nations. Her work has focused on the eradication of poverty, gender equality, affordable and clean energy and quality education just to name a few. 

Dr. Telishia Berry

Telishia Berry is the Publisher of Courageous Woman Magazine and
its spin-off publications, Courageous Men Magazine, Authors Who Launch, and 

She is a Best-Selling Author and book coach. She hashelped over 200 women publish their stories and become bestselling authors. She teaches writing bootcamps and is now preparing to produce her first movie based on her first Novel The Baptist Junkie. 



Dr. Barb Neely

Dr. Monica Reed


Connect with Dr. www.MonicaDReed.com
Business TheBlackFamilyMagazine@gmail.com Website: www.BlackFamilyMagazine.com 


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