Leadership & Mentorship

FAQs on the SWE Mentor Network

How can I access the SWE Mentor Network? 

Only SWE members (professional and collegiate) are invited to gain access to the Mentor Network. Please join SWE to receive weekly newsletters sent out each Monday that will contain signup links before each mentoring cohort. If you do not receive these emails and you are a member, please email membership@swe.org to assist. 

Is the program free? What are credits? 

The program is free to SWE members. When members are granted access to the SWE Mentor Network they are allocated a number of session credits to use during our scheduled mentoring cohorts. Each credit can be used to book one 30-minute session with a mentor. You may use your credits to book sessions with different mentors. 

How do I request more credits?

If you need additional credits, please email us at membership@swe.org.

What are the computer requirements to participate in the SWE Mentor Network?

You can log in and use SWE Mentor Network from most up to date web browsers, from any desktop, or mobile device. To host a video session, SWE Mentor Network works best using a Chrome browser. Firefox is also supported, but may not work on some devices. Safari and Internet Explorer are not supported for video sessions. To use the video conferencing features, you will need a desktop or laptop computer with a camera and microphone enabled and the Chrome or Firefox Internet browser.  Video conferencing is not supported on iOS devices and most tablets. Office Hours sessions can also be joined without video using any phone. We strongly recommend testing your video and audio connections prior to your first session.

Can a professional member get mentoring? 

Absolutely! Mentoring services are not limited to collegiate members. Any SWE member can sign up as a mentee.

Can I be both a mentor and mentee?

Yes! You will need to sign up as a mentor to act as both a mentor and mentee. If you have created a mentor profile and wish to use the system to connect and book sessions with other mentors, you may go ahead and use your credits to do that.

If you have already signed up as a mentee and would like to offer availability as a mentor as well, please email us at swe@turazo.com and we can convert your account. 

Are there resources available to help me as a mentor or mentee? 

SWE HQ and the Membership’s Committee Mentoring Facilitation Workgroup have consolidated mentoring resources including webinars, blog posts, podcasts, and SWE Magazine articles on this page.

Can someone from outside of the United States sign up? 

The program is open to all active SWE members from around the world. The only requirement is that members be over the age of 18.

Do I need a LinkedIn account to sign up? 

While the first trial version SWE ran with this platform required all users have a LinkedIn account to sign up for the mentoring program, you now DO NOT need a LinkedIn account and can sign up with your email address. 

How is this program different from other mentoring programs at SWE? 

The SWE Mentor Network is a private network for only SWE members that helps facilitate mentoring relationships between SWE members. SWE members at all levels are able to offer mentoring services and SWE collegiate and professional members from around the world can sign up to receive mentoring. 

There are many other informal and formal mentoring initiatives at the Society and local level, these may include Committee mentoring efforts (including but not limited to GradSWE, the LCC, Affinity groups, the Mentoring Facilitation Workgroup via the Membership Committee) and local efforts by SWE sections. These programs and approaches may differ in the context, approach, methods, and target groups engaged with for each program. 

SWE HQ recognizes that any program is not a one-size, fits all solution and are glad we can offer an additional pathway to encourage relationships and mentoring between SWE members. Questions about the SWE Mentor Network can be directed to membership@swe.org.  

What is the time frame for the SWE Mentor Network in FY21? 

SWE is committed to providing five opportunities for mentoring cohorts during the current fiscal year. The full FY21 Mentoring Calendar is posted here. The schedule may be modified slightly as needed.

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