Education & Skill Building

Annual Report 2022 | Institute for Lifelong Learning

Chair, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Governing Board

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2022. It was an opportunity to reflect not only on the foundation of UIL as an organization, but also on an educational project focused on the right to education for all and the value of a lifelong learning perspective. Over seven decades, UIL has focused on promoting learning that helps us live together more peacefully and cooperatively while also giving us the means to act together to make a better future.

This underlying principle could not be more relevant today, even if, in the last decade, the context of UIL’s work has changed dramatically. The impact of global warming is evident all around us. Demographic shifts – including population ageing and migration – challenge societies worldwide. The fast pace of changing labour markets creates uncertainty for workers and economies.

These trends affect all people around the world. Lifelong learning must be used as a foundation for transforming our societies. And education and learning systems themselves need to be transformed to respond to the challenges of our time.  We need to foster a culture of lifelong learning and recognize lifelong learning as a human right.

2022 was the first implementation year for the new UIL Medium-Term Strategy. It could not have been a more powerful year for the promotion of lifelong learning. The Marrakech Framework for Action, adopted at the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education, organized in Marrakech by UIL in cooperation with UNESCO and the Kingdom of Morocco, is a milestone commitment of UNESCO Member States on the road to providing all adults with quality learning opportunities. It will guide us in our actions throughout the next decade. In addition, the wide variety of UIL capacity-building activities and research activities on diverse aspects of lifelong learning have strongly supported Member States on their path to lifelong learning for all during the past year.

I wish to thank the UIL Governing Board members for their guidance throughout 2022; UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education Stefania Giannini, and UIL’s Director, David Atchoarena, for their leadership; and the Institute’s staff for their quality work and commitment to lifelong learning.

I warmly invite you to learn more about UIL’s work in 2022 in this virtual annual report. I hope that you will enjoy reading it!

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