Accelerating action for gender responsive disaster risk reduction
UN Women is dedicated to ensuring that gender considerations are fully integrated into the Sendai Framework implementation, including its midterm review. UN Women supports the UN system to ensure gender responsive DRR under the guidance of the UN System’s Senior Leadership Group (SLG) on DRR for Resilience, which brings together 50 UN entities.
UN Women is also supporting countries in this effort by providing technical assistance and mobilizing our global network of DRR and gender experts, as well as over 400 women’s organizations specializing in climate and disaster resilience. Our commitment to gender-responsive disaster risk reduction and resilience policy frameworks has already made a significant impact in 61 countries. These results reflect work across all of UN Women, guided by the Women’s Resilience to Disasters (WRD) global programme. The WRD programme embodies UN Women’s triple mandate in-action: country-driven and locally-owned actions, supported by regional and global normative and coordination components which create an enabling environment for women’s agency, leadership, knowledge exchange, and advocacy for gender-responsive resilience.
By prioritizing gender considerations in disaster risk reduction, we are strengthening women’s resilience and elevating their power to help shape a better future.
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