Inspirational Quotes & Stories

12 Female-Empowering Instagram Accounts To Follow For Daily Inspiration


Social media can breed all sorts of negativity, but it has also given us platform to connect and spread positive messages of self-love and self-worth. Here, we pick our favourite Instagram accounts whose posts never fail to give us a confidence boost. These feel-good accounts are also run by women, giving their feed and content a feminine perspective that we appreciate.

Hit follow for your daily dose of motivation and female-empowerment.

Minerva Gm

Cancun-based illustrator @minervagm‘s account focuses on her Mexican heritage and recurring themes of women and nature. Her vibrant, minimalist drawings are easy on the eyes and will transport you to an exotic locale.

Female Collective

Featuring self-care reminders and inspirational quotes on self-love, growth, and mental health, @femalecollective founded by activist Candace Reels aims to celebrate, uplift, support and empower women — we’re all for it.


@makerswomen tells real-life stories — both insightful and relatable — of female change makers. From film snippets and interview clips to inspiring quotes and funny memes, the platform offers meaningful posts that will ignite your inner potential.

Recipes For Self Love

Simple, to the point and so “aesthetic” it hurts. @recipesforselflove is a stellar illustrator that is all about promoting self-love from a female perspective. Not only does her drawings showcase the female psyche, it also celebrates diversity. If you fall in love with her artwork (like we have) and want to own one, she sells some super cute zines and prints.

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Rupi Kaur

A well-known poet, Rupi Kaur is the author of the bestselling book “Milk and Honey”. Her poetry speaks to a large audience, especially women as it is both empowering and deeply relatable. Coupled with minimalist illustrations, her work is highly revered and sends a positive message of self-love, growth and self-pride. You can get a taste of her poetry on her Instagram page, @rupikaur_.

Gurls Talk

Founded by none other than model, Adwoa Aboah, @gurlstalk provides women of all ages a safe space to share their stories without any stigma or judgement. They encourage girls to speak out on any topic they wish whilst providing a female support system in the form of their followers. Their feed is #Goals — a curation of various artworks, quote and commentary on social issues.


We can’t talk about female empowering social media accounts without including @girlboss. It says it right there in the name. Girlboss celebrates powerful and influential women, not just in the financial sense, but also social workers, volunteers and so on. While their organisation hosts talks and workshops for women all over the world. Their Instagram feed is super uplifting while being aesthetically pleasing. We love their quotes from women for women as well as their oh-so-relatable memes that will 100% make your day.

Scribbles By Nicole

If you are looking for hilarious observations that are just too real and the cutest cartoon illustrations, @scribblesbynicole is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. We relate to some of her observational drawings so much, it’s almost as if she is drawing us. For the uncanny observations of women and a light-hearted approach to self-love and female empowerment, Nicole is our go-to.

Related article: 35 Empowering Feminist Quotes From Inspiring Women

Camila Rosa

Colourful, powerful and a celebration of diveristy — Camila Rosa, an illustrator from Brazil, showcases her amazing artwork via her Instagram handle, @camixvx. Her vibrant doodles give the vibe of young spunk while the message each illustration carries is filled with maturity and poise. Camila aims to have women all over the world identify themselves in her drawings and she is certainly achieving that goal, slowly but surely.

Cleo Wade

A poet and an artist, Cleo Wade is beyond legit. Not only is she ultra fashionable, her poetry on her Instagram page, @cleowade has garnered her a huge following as she speaks of social issues from the perspective of a woman in the millennial age. Since then she has given TED talks and been dubbed the “Millennial Oprah” as she shines a light on issues through the power of her writing. For daily inspiration, her feed is a total must.

Haley Weaver

Another illustrator we can’t help but love is Haley Weaver from @haleydrewthis. Her illustration style harks back to old school Beverly Cleary novels and therefore, are too cute to not like. They are scarily honest and are often times, a mirror to society and the women in them. Hilarious and unabashedly truthful, her simple illustrations will not only give you scary insight  on how your mind works, but might even make you laugh out loud.

Nikita Gill

Another amazing poet on Instagram is Nikita Gill (@nikita_gill). Her poetry celebrates women from all backgrounds and also shines a light on mental health issues, among other rather taboo subjects. Her thought-provoking pieces are beautifully written and a joy to read. For those who prefer their daily encouragement to come in lyrical form, her space the place to go to.

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